Friday, November 6, 2015

The Battle Born Bastchild of Glinda, Annie

Hi there guys, I would like to give you guys a good story that has come out of the battle for Glinda that we are now still in. The Autism Wars of 2013 brought massive destruction, as well as lots of abandoned land, and newer neighbors in the region of Glinda, a couple that have joined in the cause to bring it back.

She is the one that keeps all the neighbors in check with overhangs, and consistently fights for the homeland to be returned to it's rightful owners. That would be Annie of Fractal psy (fractalpsyannie resident).

During the war of 2013, Larre was fighting against one man whom he gave real world information to. This man proceeded to use Larre's real world family to his advantage to drive Larre out of Glinda. This left him with a debt of over USD$680 and him just about leaving SL. When the full debt was paid around June 9th, he celebrated by creating a new avie on the 13th of that month. That was Annie. But, the war was not over yet between Larre and this one man.

This one person completely took over Larre's place in Taernils Bluff, and proceeded to attack Larre through his family, as well as the former president of the Autism Society of America in SL, Brett Stand. The real world Autism Society, however, kicked Brett Stand out in favor of this guy, and the ASA in SL went completely downhill from there. On July 18th of that year, this man abandoned out Taernils Bluff, but still held on to the original New World Enlightenment Group, in which Larre was the rightful owner. On August 18th of that year, after a fierce battle, this one man finally gave up and left, leaving Larre to assess the damage and to rebuild.

However, the rebuild did not last long in Glinda, as the war had a severe impact on Autie hotties Social Club in Farstone. Ninjas of the Obvious could not hold on to the area any more, since there were no autistic people left. They all fled the war zone in favor of new territory. In October/November of that year, the Autism Safe Zones in Farstone/Glinda completely collapsed, and Larre fled to Wetas to rebuild there.

In September of 2014, Larre moved back into Glinda, reclaiming an 8th sim of the area that was lost during the Autism Safe Zone breakdown. This is where Annie began to work in the region as there were new neighbors in Glinda, and they were going nowhere fast. A new opportunity arose in the region of Elmaer, to the north, as to where Larre and the Masters of the Singularity group could start to rebuild. The Friends of Sussex group had completely sold out, as well as Electric Merlin, whom owned a skill games parlor in the region. The new Skill games rule went into effect on Sept. 1st, and Merlin was left with no choice but to move out of Elmaer. He did, however, keep a 512 for his own personal sake until he eventually left SL for good. Larre, however, kept abandoning small plats due to constant criticism from real world family. However, after a while, he realized what he had done was completely wrong by his standards, and began to pick up the pieces. Little by little, he kept going in Elmaer. Eventually the new fun house Annie was creating was moved to there.

Parcel after parcel he eventually picked up half the region. 2 auctions (one major one), and he was able to pick up about 85 percent of Elmaer and Annie was able to rebuild the Dunes Raceway there in Elmaer.

Meanwhile in the battles, Annie was the important character in this story, as she is the one doing all the restoration work in Glinda and Elmaer. She also returned a bunch of overhangs from Estatica;s store in Glinda (Estatica is quite the newbie at having neighbors around), and she was the negotiator when it comes to bringing Tay & Travis Overland back into Glinda, effectively keeping that part of the homeland in the Masters of the Singularity group. However, as a result of the negotiations, that area remains off limits to everyone in the region. Signs are recently just posted as to where the off limits areas are in Glinda.

So, if you do see Annie around in the region, please give a friendly hello. She does not bite as long as you are not in her way of course. her work is still ongoing in both Glinda and Elmaer, to make the regions a much better place for everyone to enjoy. Thanks all and may peace be with you as we continue to rebuild in both regions of Glinda and Elmaer. Please visit us here.